Square Dancing &
Round Dancing

Lower Vancouver Island

Welcome to the home page for square dancing and round dancing on Lower Vancouver Island!

We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor.

Who We Are

Lower Vancouver Island is Region 1 of the British Columbia Square & Round Dance Federation (BCSRDF). We are comprised of associations, clubs, callers, cuers, and square and round dancers on the southern end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Our Region encompasses the City of Victoria and surrounding municipalities, extends west to the District of Sooke, north to the Town of Sidney, and further north to the City of Duncan, and also includes the adjacent southern Gulf Islands. Our northerly boundary on the east side of Vancouver Island is the Chemainus River.

The Lower Vancouver Island Western Square & Round Dance Association (LVIWSRDA) is our dancers’ organization. The Victoria & District Caller Teachers Association (VDCTA) is the organization for our callers and cuers. The Cross Trail News is our official publication.

Square Dance & Round Dance in Our Region

If you are an experienced modern western square dancer or round dancer, clubs in our Region welcome new members and visitors at their dances. Both associations also sponsor dances periodically during each dance season and in the summer.

If you are new to square dancing or round dancing click on these Wikipedia® links – Modern Western Square Dance and Round Dance – for an easy-to-read description of each type of dance.

If you want to learn modern western square dancing or round dancing, Lower Vancouver Island clubs schedule lessons on a regular basis. If you are a former dancer who needs a refresher you are also welcome to join a class.

Please visit our CLUBS and CLASSES pages to see where you can square dance and/or round dance in the Lower Vancouver Island Region.

Use our CALENDAR page to locate dates, times, and locations for scheduled dances, classes, workshops, and meetings in our area.

The COMING EVENTS page features posters for dances and workshops being held in the Lower Vancouver Island Region. You will also find posters there for selected events taking place outside our Region.

The DANCE HALLS page has photos of our regular dance halls and maps showing their location.

The CROSS TRAIL NEWS page has links to our online official publication where you can view or download recent issues.

If you have any questions or comments, or if you want more information, please leave us a message on our CONTACT US page.

On our LINKS page you will find a selection of other websites and social media pages of interest to square dancers and round dancers.

Disclaimer: Dance dates and other details on this website are compiled from a number of sources, however this information is subject to correction or to change. We make no representation as to the accuracy of the data contained herein. We recommend that you confirm all particulars including dates, times, and locations with event organizers, especially prior to registering and/or booking transportation and accommodation for out of town events.

Photo and Video Permission: Dance events in BC may be filmed, recorded, and photographed by various individuals and/or the media. These photos and recordings may be used for educational, archival, or promotional purposes, and may be included in future dance publications, videos, and websites. Unless otherwise stated, you agree to be filmed, recorded, or photographed for the above said purposes. Please advise event organizers and/or photographers if you do not wish to have your image used.

Feature image – Matheson Lake Provincial Park, Metchosin & East Sooke, BC © Carol Young.