Only dance-related advertisements, and paid commercial ads from businesses associated with callers, cuers, or dancers, will be accepted for publication in the Cross Trail News. Advertisements that include copyrighted images and/or registered trademarks used without permission will not be accepted. For the advertising deadlines please see the SUBMISSIONS page on this website or the Submission Guidelines & Deadlines page in each issue. 

There is no charge for non-commercial advertising by the CSRDS and provincial square dance federations, and by Canadian dancer/caller/cuer associations, festivals, clubs, callers, cuers, and dancers. Event advertisements are also published at no charge on the Coming Events page of the Region 1 website, and may also be published on the Coming Events page of the Region 8 website.

Rates for commercial advertising are in the table below. In order to receive the 10% discount for a five ad block, payment of the full five ad amount must accompany or precede the initial insertion. The five ads do not have to be in consecutive issues but are to be used within two years (ten issues). The ad copy may be changed for each insertion.

Payments by e-transfer may be sent to for auto-deposit. If paying by cheque the payee is “Cross Trail News”. Please contact the Editor at this same email address for our mailing address.

Our page size is 8.5” x 11” (letter size) with a 0.5” margin on all four sides. When preparing an advertisement please note the ad sizes in the table below (or click here to view the available ad sizes). If your ad copy is not the same as our ad size we can adjust the size to fit our page but it will become distorted if the aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) is significantly different.

We will make up your ad (and email a proof to you) if you submit the details to us by email to at least one week prior to the  advertising submission deadline.

Advertising Sizes & Commercial Rates

Ad Size – Width x Height (Approx.)

Commercial Rate Per Issue

Commercial Rate Five Ad Block

Full Page

7.5” x 10” or

10” x 7.5”



Half Page

3.75” x 10” or

7.5” x 5”



Quarter Page

3.75” x 5” or

7.5” x 2.5”



Eighth Page

3.75” x 2.5” or

7.5” x 1.25”

